Who We Are
Turning Wheel Capital is an NFA-registered Commodity Trading Advisor specializing in short-term systematic trading of managed futures. The firm currently manages $18 million, including $1.5 million personally invested by its manager. Turning Wheel was founded in 2007 by its principal, Ari Siegel, who has over nine years experience trading futures. Prior to the founding of TWC, Mr. Siegel was a futures trader and quantitative analyst at Manchester Trading LLC, a hedge fund run by Victor Niederhoffer. The education and experience received under the tutelage of Dr. Niederhoffer has proven invaluable to the manager’s understanding of quantitative analysis, system development, and risk management. Ari holds an MBA from Yale and a bachelors in music technology from New York University.
What We Do
Pure Alpha uses statistical modeling and pattern search to trade emini S&P futures with maximum hold times of 24 hours. It is 100% Systematic, with an average Margin/Equity use of 3%. The Program is neither trend-following nor counter-trend, rather it is opportunistic, seeking short-term profitability without bias. The Manager’s experience has taught him the value of strong risk management, and the Program has strict loss limits per trade, per day, per week, and per month. Target annual net performance is 20% with volatility of 10%, and anticipated maximum drawdown is -9%. No options are or have ever been trading by Turning Wheel Capital.
Our Edge
1. Negative correlation to S&P 500 and CTA Index
2. Low margin use
3. Strong risk management that contains losses
4. An arsenal of over 100 systems, constantly evolving to reflect new market conditions
5. Not a trend follower
6. Manager has 9 years experience trading futures with outside capital
7. No hidden fees, lock-ups, or limits on full managed account transparency.
Turning Wheel’s management philosophy is that the greatest edge lies in short-term trading. The longer the trading horizon, the more efficient the market becomes, thus Pure Alpha limits trades to 24 hours holding time. Management believes there are behavioral, structural, and systematic inefficiencies in markets, that these inefficiencies exist for a short time, and that they repeat in detectable patterns. In order to detect and profit from these patterns, Pure Alpha uses a unique scientific and quantitative method. Part of Turning Wheel’s edge is a strong belief in never-ending research. The Firm highly values constantly improving/evolving its strategy to adapt to current market conditions, and changing market cycles. Pure Alpha overlays strong risk controls, with risk decisions made on each system individually, based on statistical modeling.