Difference Between Technical and Fundamental CTAs

All commodity trading advisors, whether discretionary or systematic, use a component of technical or fundamental analysis in their investment strategy.  While we have previously written an article on the performance of each type of CTA, this article will discuss the “ins and outs” of each type in more detail. It’s…

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Emerging CTAs: Risk Vs. Reward

aiSource is often approached by many different types of investors on the benefits or drawbacks in investing with emerging CTAs. Some aggressive investors are looking for the next best CTA/strategy and willing to take on more risk, whereas a more conservative investor looks for a more established or proven CTA/strategy.…

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Democrats vs Republicans: Who’s Better for Managed Futures?

When we tweeted the following article: http://money.cnn.com/2015/10/28/investing/stock-market-democrats-republicans/index.html , we immediately thought it would be interesting to see what impact the President’s political party had on managed futures performance. In order to conduct this exercise, we decided to use the Barclay’s BTOP50 index since it goes all the way back to…

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