Trucking Freight Futures: A Brand-New Futures Market

The historically volatile $750 billion trucking industry has always been a good candidate to have a corresponding futures market. Until recently, certain key components were not in place that are critical for a liquid futures market to properly serve the trucking industry: a bench marked price index (DAT lane rates…

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2019 Top FCMs

We wanted to share with you one of our most popular blog posts: an updated list of the top FCMs (based on customer funds held in segregation). When doing research in selecting a futures commission merchant, or FCM, (i.e. custodian) to house your managed futures portfolio, it can be difficult…

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How the Blowup Affects Bystanders

Many of us have already heard the news regarding, a wealth management firm located in Tampa, FL, that lost more than $150M in customer assets in a natural gas trade.  The trade in question occurred in November 2018, and involved being short call options on natural gas, and in…

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